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al-hila hilatna

the neighbourhood is ours

The submitted material must include the following:
- Location map of the neighborhood
- Site analysis of the current condition of the neighborhood
- Maps of the new design of the neighborhood
- Street Sections new design of the neighborhood
- Street Elevations new design of the neighborhood
- 3D Views
- Detailed Sketches of the urban fixtures
- A plan detailing how the design can be executed
- Any other studies that are specific to the design

All drawings should be submitted as PDF and may include multimedia formats.
Submission is to be sent to:

Important Dates
Registration: Register before December 30, 2022
Discussion Session with Jurors: March 2023
Final Submission: August 15, 2023
Announcement of Results: October, 2023

Participants of any discipline may join, for example architects, planners, engineers, artists, craftsmen. We encourage participants to work together in teams and in an interdisciplinary manner. There is no limit to the number of team members. However, each participant, whether working in a team or alone, may only submit one proposal.

The participant(s) behind the winning design shall receive $1000.
The 10 best designs, including the winning proposal, shall be exhibited at DownTown Gallery, Khartoum.