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al-hila hilatna

the neighbourhood is ours

Developing a Neighborhood in Sudan

Design Brief

The competition to rehabilitate a neighbourhood in Sudan is an opportunity for generating ideas for developing neighborhoods around the country. It is an opportunity for designers to show their talent and get exposure and potentially execute their design.

The participants are invited to choose a neighborhood of their choice in Sudan from the provided list or by suggesting another neighbourhood. This could be a place they think is in much need of the intervention, it could be a space they frequent a lot, a space that inspires them or even the neighbourhood in which they live.The boundaries for the neighbourhood should not be more than ten blocks.

Participants are encouraged to be bold, daring and spearheading creative thinking in how they approach the brief. There is no limit but the limits of the imagination of the designer. The design should consider the multiple users of the public spaces, urban fixtures, waste management, safety, the environment, the rain season, and the feasibility of executing this design. 

Below are some further details and guidelines as to what is expected to be included within the design. This is by no means a comprehensive list.

Choose a neighborhood in Sudan and develop a design for it that considers the following:

The design should consider contributing positively to the environment and using mitigation measures to address climate change and reverse its negative impact. This can be achieved by reducing emissions for example by creating a more walkable city using greenery. It is encouraged that this greenery is studied, and its seasonal cycles is considered. Additionally, the amount of water required to grow the plants at the beginning and then to maintain them should also be considered. The environmental interventions should consider creating microclimates using the greenery and using water surfaces. Should water surfaces be used, it is important to create a plan to maintain them. All interventions should consider sustainability factors such as energy saving and generation, building heat gain, air quality, and the use of local materials.

The spaces must be aesthetically pleasing and have a unique identity that provides familiarity for those living and working in it.

The design mist consider innovations at all levels including innovative construction techniques.

The design should take into consideration health improvements measures and encouragement to exercise and walk. Additionally, it should consider issues related to sanitation, such as the collection of stormwater.

Community Engagement
Regardless of the connection of the designer or the team to the chosen neighborhood it is important to engage with the community living in it to understand the possibilities of engaging them in executing the design. The design should consider all the users of the space, whether they live there or whether they work there. This engagement should be though about in the long term as a consent engagement by the community to maintain their neighborhoods. These engagements should build on the existing social fabric of the neighborhood.

Waste management and drainage has always been a challenge. Part of the design is to think about different ways of waste management at the neighborhood level. The design should consider the rain season and include ideas on how to drain the water.

Rethink the use of materials in the neighborhood such as the paving where the cars drive and the sidewalks. The possible materials that can be used in a manner that accommodates specific functions such as drainage of rainwater through its porous surfaces and provides a beautiful touch to the neighborhood. Consider other surfaces in the neighborhood that you would have control of as a designer. 

The proposal should be accompanied with a clear plan on how to practically execute the design and all the stakeholders that should be involved to do so. This includes officials and the community, and the need for investment.

Public Spaces
The designer(s) should consider developing public spaces. These spaces can also be thought of to accommodate existing traditions of using public spaces for communal occasions. They must also contain play areas for children. The design for these play areas should encourage freedom of movement, inspiring children’s imagination, as well as spaces through which children can passively learn through play. 

Urban Fixtures
The proposal should create interventions that will enhance the neighborhood such as the design of benches, waste disposal bins, clothes donations container, drinking water fixtures, book exchange units.

Ensuring safety in a neighborhood is important, specifically for the most vulnerable. The design should consider elements that would create safer public spaces. For example, the use of good lighting at night can increase safety.