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Board of Trustees

Ahmed Hossam Saafan
Based in Cairo, Ahmed Hossam Saafan is an Architectural Designer focused on community contextual Architecture. Graduated from Misr International University. He pursued a prospective career path since then, passing through teaching at the university to teaching art at a local school in India whilst volunteering in various permaculture projects around the sub-continent. In 2017. He then worked for leading design firms in Cairo such as A for Architecture, Cairo Urban Sketchers, and Takween integrated community development. In 2018 he was commissioned to design the Dawar El Ezba Cultural Center on which he was nominated and received global awards in addition to being published in scientific publications and books.

Aguek Chan Malual
Aguek is an architect and urban planner, with extensive experience in South Sudan and Sudan. She holds a MA in Town & Regional Planning from University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. After her return form UK in 2010, Aguek joined the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) in South Sudan as an urban planning analyst in the Return and Reintegration project on issues pertaining to land management. She co-founded Sudarch & associates Co Ltd, which is based in Juba and Khartoum through which they offer personalized professional consultancy services in architecture, construction, engineering and project management.

Dalal Musaed Alsayer
Dalal, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at Kuwait University. Her research lies at the intersection of architecture, environment, and development in the context of Arabia during the twentieth century. She is the coauthor of Pan-Arab Modernism 1968-2008: History of Architectural Practice in The Middle East (Actar, 2021) and is the co-founding editor of Current: Collective for Architecture History and Environment. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Kuwait University; a Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design from the GSAPP, Columbia University; a Master of Design Studies in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology, from GSD, Harvard University; and a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania.


Deema Al-Ghunaim
Deema is the Founder of “Madeenah”; a multidisciplinary platform that curates cultural tours and delivers spatial studies. Deema obtained a Bachelor of Architecture from Kuwait University in 2008. She practiced architecture at alpha-architects and Kuwait Master Plan Department, Kuwait Municipality wherefore she co-curated the exhibition “Kethra”; Kuwait’s first participation in Venice Architectural Biennial 2012. She has also been a visiting teaching assistant at the College of Architecture in KU and worked on concept research and development at Raw Design Studio. Deema is interested in art, literature and translation, she has produced two solo exhibitions, besides her work on several projects related to creative writing and children's literature.

Elahe Karimnia
Elahe is an urbanist/architect, engaged in practice, research and teaching at the intersection of urban design and critical theory. She is interested in plural narratives and multiple temporalities of making cities. She has a Ph.D. in Urban Studies from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where she explored 'Producing Publicness', a dialectical approach to urban design, and user’s appropriations in public realm as creative practices. Currently, Elahe is Associate at Theatrum Mundi leading Urban Research and Spatial Practice.

Fedaa Ibrahim El-Dosougi
Fedaa has wroked as a consultant architect, regional and urban planner, project management, and real estate development. She is currently serving Sudan in the capacity of Secretary General for The Sudan National Council for Urban Developments and Physical Planning and is overlooking the works of The National Funds for Housing and Developments. Current projects are the development of the comprehensive national master plan for the Sudan socioeconomic urban development for sustainable growth, the national comprehensive master plan for resettlement of displaced populations of returnees, refugees and nomads for peace, and the relocation of flood impacted settlements.


Khushboo Shah
Khushboo is a Landscape Architect with a master’s degree from CEPT University, India. She is involved in teaching in the Bachelors in Landscape Architecture program at the University of Bahrain. Her extensive experience ranges from Urban Landscape Planning projects to complex master planning projects and small scale residential developments in India and Bahrain. She has conducted workshops addressing the needs of the people encouraging the use of Public Open Spaces for sustainable lifestyle. Her areas of interest includes hierarchy and design of Public Open Spaces and Historic Urban Landscapes gaining insights into the cultural nuances and their use to build a responsive environment.

Luis Alfonso Saltos Espinoza
Ecuadorian, social activist, researcher, independent consultant, advisor, architect, specialist and master in Urban and Regional Planning. He has held positions in the public and private sectors as an advisor to the Biodiversity and Natural Resources commission of the National Assembly of Ecuador, in municipalities and collaborated in research projects for universities; He is currently a consultant and private advisor on issues of land planning, the right to the city, sustainable development and tourism, public policies and land use planning.

Lulu Almana
Lulu is a chartered landscape architect and urban designer with a passion for creating better cities for the future. She is involved in a range of international projects, with special interest in city center regeneration and creating inclusive public spaces specifically designed for the local communities and local environments they sit in. She currently works as a senior landscape architect in Arup’s Integrated City Planning team in London where she is leading design projects from concept design through to detail stages


Noor Alwan
An artist, creative strategist and educator. With a master’s degree in architecture, specialized in inclusive design from the University at Buffalo, Noor utilizes art as a placemaking tool to create enabling environments for all. She curates public art exhibitions to activate abandoned spaces, urban interventions that create public spaces, and explores urban play and interactive art installations for neighborhoods. She led several art based programs geared to local communities under Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities. Most recently, she curated an art exhibition commissioned for Bahrain International Airport, and was commissioned by Misk Art Institute to create a spatial art experience as part of t.of.i, a speculative art collective.

Mohamed M. Fageir Hussein
Dr Fageir is the head of the Department of Planning and Urban Design DPUD at University of Khartoum. He has worked for the University of Khartoum Consultancy Corporation UKCC and Octantis Co Ltd. After completing his PhD, Dr Fageir joined Church Lukas Architects in Nottingham as a senior architectural designer. Later in 2019, Dr Fageir moved to ARC Partnership. Dr Fageir also collaborated in studio courses at the Master level at the University of Nottingham. Recently, Dr Fageir founded ARCSCAPE Consultancies.

Mohamed Siraj
Mohamed is leading Delta Lighting Design studio in London, UK. Mohamed has led and participated in the design and implementation of various projects – including Dubai Parks and Resorts, the Dubai Design District, the EXPO 2020 Mobility Pavilion, Box Park, La Mer and Lusail City’s Commercial Boulevard in Qatar. He has collaborated with various architecture practices such as Foster and Partners, Zaha Hadid, and HOK. He has also held multiple architecture and design seminars and was an invited speaker at different lighting seminars.

Suha Hasan
Suha is the founder of ASH, an architecture atelier with based in Stockholm, Sweden. She is a former lecturer at the University of Bahrain. Prior to that Suha trained and worked as a journalist. Suha is the co-founder of Mawane, a platform for urban research based in Bahrain. She is the director of the AA Visiting School Khartoum that explores the intersection of architecture history and the environment. Her current research investigates the agency of architecture and archives in the formation of memory in the post-colonial city. She also serves as a consultant for UNDP Sudan. Suha is a founding member of MSc.

Maab Zayed
Representative of Sudan Architecture Forum
Maab is an architect, artist (in fine art, digital designs and drawing comics) and karate professional player. She worked as a teaching assistant due to her love for the academic environment, in addition to that, she established the Amateur Art Group with a passion for art and organizing exhibitions. She is interested in the relationship of architecture with culture and history. Japanese architecture was most influenced by it, so she has studied Japanese language, and she was one of the organizers of the Parallal Nippon International Exhibition, which was held at the University of Khartoum in 2017.

Dina Ahmed Awad Yousif
Representative of Sudan Urban Development Think-Tank
Dina is an architect and Lecturer with passion for housing related projects. After graduation I started working on commercial buildings and gradually became more interested in residential buildings. My research as a student started with understanding vernacular architecture and how it can restore architectural identity by identifying the socio-cultural aspects that govern how Sudanese people live and practice their daily lives.  Nowadays I am more focused on learning how to design and initiate strategies and policy making for the provision of affordable housing for all.

Amna Abdullah
Amna is a student at the University of Bahri, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. She is one of the young leaders of the United Nations Young Leaders Program since 2018 (training on entrepreneurship), program coordinator at the Betqadri Community Foundation since 2021 (coordinator of the Safe Space project in partnership with Al-Ayyam Cultural Center, and USAID) Volunteer at Sadaqat Charitable Organization since 2108, and the Sudan Forum for Architecture since 2021 (SAF Ambassador at Universities, Galleria67 Curator), participated as a Jury Coordinator at the University of Bahri Hult Prize 2021. Amna is interested in Community Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, City Planning and Sustainable Architecture.